What is an Agreement Closeout Report (ACR)?

The ACR is the financial settlement of the agreement between ME DHHS and the contracting agency, reconciling revenue earned by the contracting agency with the expenses incurred by that agency to provide contracted services.
The ACR is always due no later than 60 days after the DHHS contract has ended.

Completing the ACR

Providers must only complete the orange-colored cells on the ACR form. Formulas and links will calculate all the other information in the yellow and white cells after the information in the orange cells are complete.

 A separate ACR must completed for each component in the agreement:

  • Check the number of Rider F-1 Pro-Formas
  • Check the number of columns on Budget Form 1 (excluding the total column)

Please visit the Maine DHHS Contract Documents website to download the Agreement Closeout Report and instructions. You can also view the recorded ACR webinar and slide deck for more information.

Sub-Recipient ACRs

The Sub-Recipient Agreement Closeout Report is a separate form that sub-recipients must complete and submit to the Lead agency. The Lead Agency submits all Sub ACRs along with the Lead’s ACR.

  • Sub-recipient funds must be accounted for individually.
  • When a sub-recipient’s expenses are less than the budgeted amount, a refund of the balance is due from the sub-recipient to the Lead Contractor.
  • Under MAAP rules, the Lead contracting agency will return funds to the Department if appropriate as reflected on the Lead contractor’s ACR.

Submitting the ACR

The ACR is always due no later than 60 days after the DHHS contract has ended. ACRs should be submitted in Excel format to contract-budgets.dhhs.maine.gov.  Be sure to include all ACRs and Sub-Recipient ACRs (if applicable) in one electronic workbook for a contract.

For more information on how to complete the Agreement Closeout Report, review the ACR webinar and materials, and visit Maine DHHS’s Contract Document website for the report and detailed instructions.

For questions about the ACR, please email CDC-OPHE-Support@maine.gov or make a TA request through OPHEpartners.org.