Marketing and outreach efforts are critical to connecting your organization with the individuals you wish to serve. Conducting effective outreach through multiple channels raises awareness of your organization and its services within the community, builds trust and a willingness among community members to connect with you, and improves individuals’ access to your programming. It is important to understand how the community receives information, with special consideration towards the languages and accessibility of communications.
Equitable Outreach and Communication
- Meet people where they are:
- Use offline and online communication channels,
- Use a variety of media channels and platforms,
- Go to local sites of interest (FBOs, CBOs, community events),
- Provide information in different languages
- Be respectful: Listen to your community and let their needs guide your work
- Build trust and relationships
- Make written information friendly and easy to understand
Writing Readable Content
- Organize your content so the most important info comes first
- Break up chunky paragraphs
- Use headings
- Use lists and tables when possible
- Use non-stigmatizing language i.e., “people-first”
- Use plain language
- Avoid technical jargon and unfamiliar abbreviations
- Use active voice
- Keep sentences and paragraphs short
- Include “you” and other pronouns
- Focus information on one key message
Graphic Design Tips
- Contrast your text and background: use dark text on light background or light text on dark background
- Use only 2-3 primary colors
- Use large and readable font
- Bold important information
- Use visuals to convey your information to avoid being text-heavy
- Demonstrate inclusivity in graphics
Getting Started with Social Media
- Use the same social media platforms as your intended audience (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
- Develop organizational guidelines
- What logo will you use?
- Who needs to approve content before posting?
- What content is not allowed?
- Create a calendar to plan out when you are posting and ensure consistent, fresh content
For more guidance, review a recorded webinar session on marketing and outreach, as well as the Marketing Resource Guide that contains many resources pertaining to design, social media, translation, and more.